My Recently Visited Services

Intranet service providing information to our employees.

Provide computing and AV resources on a short term basis

Email system provided by Microsoft.

Support and administration for the systems used to produce the University Calendar

Services that provide internet and wireless access to the University

eLearn is Capilano University's online learning environment, utilizing the Moodle learning management system both for online courses and to supplement face-to-face courses.

Service that allows employees to track different types of leaves

Services that provide access to University systems and applications.

Files storage services provided to University departments.

Cybersecurity awareness and training services provided to University employees.

Cybersecurity services for assessing, documenting and securing existing or new systems.

Computing services offered to the University's employees.

This form is only used by the Human Resources department to submit a request for deprovisioning employee account access

Support and administration for the systems used for employee payroll services.

Software services offered to the University's employees.

Cybersecurity evaluation services for cloud applications

To provision access for new employees, non-employees (e.g. contractor), and additional access for existing employees.

Videoconferencing service used by employees and students.

Remote access and VPN services provided by the University.

Support and administration for the student MyCap schedule system

Support and administration for the systems that allow students and employees to access course application, registration and wait listing and a multitude of employee informaiton

The service that provides our front facing campus directory

Support for the Blueshore Financial Theatre ticketing and administration systems and software

An ePortfolio is a purposeful digital collection of content documenting both the process and product of a person’s experiences, learning, and reflections.

Service used to manage and maintain student and employee information. Banner